Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Refreshed and back in the swing...

So, after much sleep and vegging out, I'm finally refreshed and up for a whole new week of Summer Institute. It hasn't been bad at all, just very, very (verrrry) intense and at times, just plain exhausting. I've lost count now of the number of nights I've arrived home from Institute and just passed out - no reading, no family time, no TV, no nothing... just a shower and my pillow. I guess I underestimated just how much this could take out of you. When I get home most days, I'm so tired that I'm literally scared to take a shower until after I get all my reading and assignments done. If I don't wait, I'm liable to pass out on the couch and be down for the night (yeah, it's like that).

Anywho... We're in week 2 now and things are going very well. The summer school classroom I've been assigned to is for High School History, and it's awesome. The teacher is wonderful - a real answered prayer. And the school is nice, too. I was really surprised at just how many students showed up for summer school, but I guess that just reiterates why we're there. We do lunch duty during lunch, so we're all getting pretty adept at eating while standing and walking around the cafeteria to talk to and socialize with the kids. Call me crazy, but when I was in high school, the LAST thing I wanted after being in a classroom with the same teacher for hours was to have that teacher sit down and talk to me during my lunchtime... Hmmmm. But, since we're being asked to talk and socialize with them during their very (very) short lunch time, talk and socialize we will. ;)

We start practice teaching next week. I'll do my best to update on how that goes... Now, off to my Unit Planning and Big Goal work products. Adios!

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