Thursday, June 9, 2011


So it's like 2:29 am, and I can't sleep. Took not one, but TWO Melatonins and still... no sleep. One usually knocks me out cold on nights like this. I think my brain is just seriously overworked from completing my pre-Institute work. Yeah, maybe that's it, lol. Whoever said they don't check your pre-Institute work for completion wasn't part of TNTP... 'cause that's certainly not the case with us.

Our ISP (all twenty-something pages of it) was due last night at 11:59 pm, and I worked on it for several days straight only to still have to finally submit the finished product at ... yup... 11:59 pm. Just made it, literally. That thing was so long is was just scary. Our first lesson plan was due the next day (today), and that took forever, too! Don't get me wrong... I knew writing lesson plans took time - but I didn't expect that it would take me the whole entire day to write ONE complete lesson plan that was up to TNTP standards. Wow, that took alot out of me. Got that one submitted just in time, too. Institute's starting in a couple of DAYS, and I'm sure we've got soooooooooooo much more to do in the next six and a half weeks that it's not even funny.... Melatonin, gonna need ya, buddy!

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