Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Institute, Day One

Whew. Had our first day of Institute today, and it was really great. During the opening session, we covered the achievement gap that exists in our country, and why it's so important that programs like ours exist to help close that huge disparity in the quality of education received by minorities in the United States. The stats are just staggering. Staggering, saddening, maddening, infuriating... it's a ridiculous situation that's unfair on so many levels it's not even funny... but, that's why we're here, right? Learning, reading, studying, practicing, becoming... to help make this a more equal race to the future for as many kids as we can...

After our all-cohort meeting, we broke down into our respective groups and met our PT Advisors. Ours is awesome. Cheery, energetic and knows her stuff... can't wait to learn more and more from this lady. I'm so thankful that I got a good group!!! Yay. We went right to work, with session after session (after session), beginning to cover the modules in our summer curriculum. No time wasted here!! lol  It was good stuff, I learned alot and made some good friends along the way, too. When the day was finally over close to 5:30, I felt a little tired, but had no idea just how exhausted I realllllly was. When I got home and took a shower, I was OUT. Completely OUT. I was so tired and worn out that I couldn't keep my eyes open. My body was crying... what the heck did you do to me today??? Well, body... that would be INSTITUTE, day one. Guess I'd better get used to it!!
*** More Institute info in July entries ***

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