Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Stuff...

I've come up with a pacing schedule to keep myself on track with my required ISG reading till Institute starts in June. I figure if I read about three chapters per week, I'll end up finishing a week early, and that'll give me time to review and prepare before the craziness that is Summer Institute begins....

I've got to say, this book is good stuff. I'm finding this information to be soooo interesting! Reading up on the different categories of disabilities and their individual descriptions is just fascinating. Fascinating! Who knew? I had no idea that I had an interest in this stuff until a few months ago... but man, am I glad I came across this opportunity! I find myself wanting to take in all I can possibly learn about autism, learning disabilities, etc. If the first few chapters of this [h-u-g-e] book are any indication, reading the remaining 600+ some pages should go well.

On another note, I came across some great blogs this weekend that have been awesome in giving me a first-hand account of what teaching might be like right out of the gate as a teaching fellow. If you're a beginning teacher like me and you're looking for all the help and advice from seasoned educators you can get [also like me, lol], then take a moment to check out some of these. I love the honesty that they show in their postings, 'cause that's exactly what I'm looking for. I don't want someone who will paint a picture of roses and butterflies concerning this huge undertaking we're about to take on - I want the truth, and plenty of it. These blogs do that, and I love it. I'll post links to some of the others I come across moving forward, too.

Every little bit of wisdom (and truth) counts! ;)

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