Thursday, April 14, 2011

Funny how things work out

So I'm just looking over the few entries I've posted over the last month or two, and it's interesting to see how things are slowly evolving with this TNTP process....

Since the very beginning, I've wanted to capture my entire experience of this journey ~ my ups and downs, worries and disappointments, triumphs and celebrations... because it really is a big undertaking. In no way do I think or feel that entering the field of Education as a teacher [with absolutely no experience, mind you] will be an easy thing. I expect challenges. I expect great things, too. I also expect that there will be some days that I will wonder what the heck I've gotten myself into....

But I can't help but think about how the blogs of other writers have helped me so much already, even at this early stage. I haven't even started Summer Institute yet and still I've been encouraged so much by the musings of bloggers like Fear the Fellow and Harry Potter and the Urban School Nightmare... just reading their experiences and feelings and thoughts through their first years in particular have kept me encouraged and excited about the things that lie before me. I can only imagine some new Teaching Fellow getting their acceptance into the program next year, eagerly Googling anything even close to a blog done by someone who's already walked a little ways in the shoes they're about to fill... and I hope that my experience can help someone at some point, too.

There's a part of me that's soooo uber excited, ready to get started learning, finding out the how-to's of helping to make a change [even if only a small dent] in our educational system's woes, and there's another part of me that's kept grounded and realistic about the things that I may encounter that just might try to rain on my parade a little. This is why these other blogs have been so helpful. While I fully plan to hold onto my excitement for this whole thing, I want to learn from the wisdom that others have shared from the trenches - the real talk that you don't get from any textbook or Institute workshop.

It's a real balancing act, to say the least, but a real healthy and realistic one, I think. I think it will do me very well to hold onto it for awhile!

So glad...

So glad that things are 'officially' getting underway! Just got notification to get my physical and TB test done, as well as to attend an upcoming New Hire Orientation in a few weeks. Things are gettin' movin'!

Summer Institute's getting closer by the minute! :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Lord, you're SOOOO good to me!!!

Oh, bless God. I checked my Praxis II 0543 scores this morning and I passed!! Yay me!!

I can't tell you the number of horror stories I've heard concerning these tests... how they're too difficult to pass unless you take it umpteen times, how many people have to take it time and time again only to still not pass it... one person even told me of a friend of theirs who had to take it 11 times. 11 times??? I don't know what I'd do if I had to face these tests that many times. Probably would be pulling my hair out by test day, for real. Btw, the prep guide I used was Cliff Notes Praxis II: Education of Exceptional Students (0353, 0382, 0542, 0544) . I think this book is an exceptional preparation for taking this particular test. Check it out if you have this test coming up... it's only like $15 on

I'm just so thankful. Thankful for God's grace. Thankful that these tests are behind me. Thankful that I don't have to see them eeeeeever again (I hope). Yay!

Monday, April 11, 2011

W-h-e-w... MAJOR butterflies...

Tomorrow is D-Day. Tomorrow determines what the next three to four weeks of my life will look like. Tomorrow will either speak peace and allow me to get back to my assigned reading and observations and ISG assignments, or it will speak [uuugggghhhhhhhh...] days upon days of more stringent studying, late nights and information overload times ten.

Tomorrow is Praxis II result day for the Special Ed test.

The. Test. The one that counts more than the previous one I took, and the one that will either solidify my placement in the upcoming summer program or place it precariously on a perch of maybe yes... maybe no...
Although our initial acceptance into the program is all done, the full acceptance is contingent upon us passing BOTH Praxis II exams before Summer Institute begins in June. And the April test date will be the last ditch effort toward that end for those of us who do not pass the March test.

W-h-e-w. MAJOR butterflies.

But... I'm determined to center and remind myself that I'm a woman of faith. I read everything I could get my hands on. I studied my butt off. I stayed up late nights and got up early only to begin that dern study cycle alllllll over again, day after day. And then when all that was said and done, I prayed and trusted God for the rest. So, I'm reminding myself that praying about something now and then worrying about it later don't go together... it has to be one or the other, for real. I'm reminded of a message that a preacher brought years ago that really blessed me ~ If you're gonna pray, don't worry. If you're gonna worry, don't pray. I choose the former.

Whatever tomorrow holds, it's all good. I'll either be celebrating [big time] or getting my study on for a second round of Praxis II 0543. 

We'll see! ;)

Good Stuff...

I've come up with a pacing schedule to keep myself on track with my required ISG reading till Institute starts in June. I figure if I read about three chapters per week, I'll end up finishing a week early, and that'll give me time to review and prepare before the craziness that is Summer Institute begins....

I've got to say, this book is good stuff. I'm finding this information to be soooo interesting! Reading up on the different categories of disabilities and their individual descriptions is just fascinating. Fascinating! Who knew? I had no idea that I had an interest in this stuff until a few months ago... but man, am I glad I came across this opportunity! I find myself wanting to take in all I can possibly learn about autism, learning disabilities, etc. If the first few chapters of this [h-u-g-e] book are any indication, reading the remaining 600+ some pages should go well.

On another note, I came across some great blogs this weekend that have been awesome in giving me a first-hand account of what teaching might be like right out of the gate as a teaching fellow. If you're a beginning teacher like me and you're looking for all the help and advice from seasoned educators you can get [also like me, lol], then take a moment to check out some of these. I love the honesty that they show in their postings, 'cause that's exactly what I'm looking for. I don't want someone who will paint a picture of roses and butterflies concerning this huge undertaking we're about to take on - I want the truth, and plenty of it. These blogs do that, and I love it. I'll post links to some of the others I come across moving forward, too.

Every little bit of wisdom (and truth) counts! ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


DUDE!! I passed the Praxis II 0511 on the first try!!! Y-E-S !!!! Omg, that was one of the scariest tests I've taken in a really long time! Nothing but the favor and grace of God... and Lord, I'm sooooo thankful!!!

I've heard horror stories about this test, and about the Praxis in general, of so many people having to take it multiple times in order to get a passing score... and I think that was part of what had me a little nervous about the test, too. I bought the Cliff Notes Praxis II Fundamental Subjects Content Knowledge Study Guide from for about $15, and read the book from cover to cover. I took all 8 of the practice tests they gave (2 for each subject), then examined the questions I got wrong to see which concepts I needed to brush up on...then took the tests again... and again... and, well, you get it.

I felt really prepared after having read the book, but when I sat down on test day to actually take the exam, the questions seemed completely different from what was in the book and on the practice tests... honestly, I prayed my way through that test, no joke. Now, I know the power of prayer. It works. It's real. God hears and He responds to the requests of his people. But I also feel like I have some responsibility in this, too. I felt like I had to make sure I did my part by studying and reading and practicing, preparing and going over stuff I don't like like fractions, proportions, etc, etc., etc... I so thank God for giving me the understanding of the things I studied, for helping me to remember names and dates and concepts and other things that I'd long since forgotten (I've been out of high school for a looooooooong time, lol). I ended up getting a 182 out of a possible 200... YES!!  God is so faithful. So very faithful!!!

I find out next Tuesday how I did on the Praxis II 0543 - the one especially geared to teaching Special Ed. I'll just keep myself busy working on the Independent Study Guide assignments and reading the (600 page plus) text, and Tuesday will be here before you know it.

What an amazing day!!!