Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nothing like a good vacation to rejuvenate you...

Break has been awesome. So restful. So, so restful. I’ve slept so much these past few days that I literally forgot what day it was once. I had to Google an online calendar and find the day of the week… Now to me, that’s a true sign of a great vacation.

The kids and I kidnapped my husband last Thursday (literally) and took him away on a surprise Christmas vacation to Myrtle Beach for a week. We already had his bags packed and the car gassed up before we picked him up from work that afternoon, and immediately hit the highway heading South before he could even think to ask why we weren’t heading straight home like always. I’d already gotten permission from his boss for him to take a sick day that Friday, so he was all set, although he didn’t know it yet. J

About an hour into the trip (and amid his increasingly serious questions of where we were going and how long it would take to get back home [thinking he had to go to work in the morning and needed to get some rest], the kids and I finally explained his surprise trip and that he’d been granted an early Christmas vacation by his job. He’d been so worn out, so exhausted over the past few weeks that we knew we had to do something for him – headaches every day, tired beyond reason, stressed to the max each day only to start the cycle all over again the next morning… working in customer service is no joke, for real.

So, we took him away. Away from the stress, away from the constant aggravation, just… away. Away to a beachfront apartment with a terrace overlooking the beautiful ocean, just steps away from strolling on the beautiful, calm, white sands of Myrtle Beach. Long Bay proved to be a nice place to spend this part of our vacation. We could literally hear the ocean waves coming in and going out, and feel the cool ocean breeze as we sat and watched from our balcony. Aaahhhhh, Christmas vacation… so, so, so glad you’re here!!!

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