Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stages of a New Teacher's First Year...

They say there are five stages to a new teacher’s first year: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation and reflection. Looking back on my experiences these past few months, I can definitely find myself somewhere in this continuum.
I can so easily remember being sooo excited, so elated even, about the prospect of being a teacher and of starting my training to learn the how-to of doing my job. Even though Institute was completely exhausting both mentally and physically, part of what helped me make it through was this excitement, this knowledge of the greatness of what I would eventually be doing. I would actually be touching lives… helping young minds to grow and stretch and learn that learning can really be fun…
So when my notice of hire came through, my level of excitement was just through the roof. I mean, I was on a serious high. Nothing bothered me, everything was possible, nothing was too hard – I just needed to look at it a different way to find the solution. No real orientation at your site? No problem – I’ll find a way to learn what I need to know. No access to your trailer? No worries! It’ll be worked out before you know it. Finally got into your trailer but it looks like a train wreck (literally and figuratively)? Not a problem. Nothing a little (or maybe a lot) of bleach and disinfectant and a broom and mop and scrub brushes can’t fix. Painting walls for days until your arms literally felt like they’d fall off if you took just one more stroke? Nooooo problem!! Got kids coming in another week or so! Gotta get it done!!!  Yeah…. Anticipation stage.

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