Saturday, September 10, 2011

Catching up time!

Wowwww… so much has happened in the last few weeks. I’ve got so much to catch up on that it’s just crazy. I originally intended to update this blog every day, or at least once or twice a week, so that I’d have an accurate record of what my first year of teaching has been like. But… yeah… that didn’t happen. I knew teachers were busy. I knew teachers were some of the hardest working people alive. And I knew that they gave so much of their time to actually teaching students, then later planning for students and activities that they probably didn’t have much real time left over for themselves. But I had no idea. Teachers rock, dude. It still amazes me how they get up and do what they do morning after morning, exhausted or not, sick or not, and still manage to give their students their best and start each day with a smile. I want to be like them when I grow up. J
So now that I realize that expecting to be able to update this blog every day, or at least twice a week or so, is a little excessive for me right now, I’ve decided that what I’ll do is update it a few times a month, but just list several entries on the same day. Today, for example, I’m catching up (big time). Today’s post will have several different entries of different days, but all with today’s date (because I’m reeeeeeally late in getting this daggone stuff up, haha). Anyway, the content’s there. And you get the picture. So, here we go!

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