Monday, May 2, 2011


This reading sure is kicking my butt. I mean... for realz. As soon as I got the Special Ed guidebook, I dove right in because I knew I had over 600 pages to read and not alot of time to do it all in. I tried to stay consistent and read two and a half chapters per week until I was all done, but I think I abandoned that schedule at least a week or so ago...

Now I have to MAKE myself read this daggone book. I keep peeking at it, sitting there on the table like it's harmless and stuff, and then inevitably end up looking away from it with an unconscious shudder when I consider the number of pages I still have yet to read...

Funny thing, though. Numbers don't usually bother me. 600 pages? No problem!! Just need to break it down into smaller peices, and you'll be done before you know it. I'm that person on the long road trip that gets a kick out of being all the way down at exit 369, when you know the exit you need to get home is like... exit 25. I see that high number and I'm completely undaunted... I start singing, laughing, get happy about it and make a game out of mentally figuring out how many more exits we have to go when we get down to odd numbers like 347 and 283... I'm just weird like that. But this book is bugging me. The information is good. I mean it makes perfect sense to me. It's actually interesting. But the thing that's getting on my last nerve is that they keep making the chapters longer and longer and loooooooooonger.... They faked me out in the beginning with chapters that were oh... 16 pages long... and then slowly increased to 20... still no problem, I'm good, I'm still happy, still singing...

But when those daggone chapters start stretching to 30 and 40 pages at least (one of them was 50 pages long, at last count), I'm starting to fade. My enthusiasm is waning. My song is getting lower and lower and... well, you get the picture. I'm having to force myself to read all these pages and this is exactly where I DIDN'T want to find myself with this assignment. I've got too much dern reading to be doing to get discouraged now...

I think I just need to take a break from that book. Not look at it. No peeking. Not even turn in its general direction for a few days, and let my mind refresh itself. Because it's already May, and I've got to have this whole daggone thing read by the end of the month. So... vacation-from-the-dreaded-ridiculously-long-book... you've really got to do your thing and get me back in gear.

'Cause time's a'tickin!

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