Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ohhhh, Thanksgiving Break... How I Need Thee...

And the countdown has begun. Just two more 'official' school days till I will be (OMG!!!!) on Thanksgiving Break. And can I just say... I so neeeeeeeeeeeeed this time away.

I'm exhausted. I'm worn out, scraping the bottom of my energy reserve every day just to go in and have a 'usual' day of work... never mind those crazy, extra-heavy days when I have 2 IEP meetings plus a crazy-long Certification Seminar assignment due for TNTP plus lesson-planning to do plus, oh yeah, teaching my 3 different grade-level classes. All in one, eternal-feeling day. I literally cannot stay up past 8pm on Fridays, no matter how hard I try. My body is so worn out and my eyes just will not stay open because I'm so          overtired. Ohhhh. I so need this break - for sanity's sake, I need some time away.

I love, love, love what I do. But I'm so looking forward to reaching that place where I can feel like I'm actually on top of things, caught up and (dare I say, actually ahead on planning???) and have some energy left over to boot.

...I understand, Bruh... I understand...

Experienced teachers, please tell me it's somewhere on the horizon....