Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Challenges Ahead...

I can't believe these last few years have gone by so quickly.... seems like just yesterday I decided to go back to school and (finally) finish my degree. And yet, somehow all those semesters and summer sessions just seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was time to order my cap and gown and march across that stage.. Wow.

Now that it's all done and grad school is right around the corner, I'm so excited about the new possibilities, the new opportunities and the new challenges that await. It's been such a blessing to be able to go back to school as a full-time student, while simultaneously taking care of my husband and children, and holding down other responsibilities as well... most people don't get that option when they return to school later in life. I can remember how difficult it was to take a class here and there after getting off of work at a full-time job, trying to find time to read and study and write papers and still manage to take care of home... I so admire students who are still doing this while simultaneously finishing up their degree. Who knew that the slew of layoffs that the economic crisis of 2008-2009 brought would also bring me a blessing in disguise ~ the chance to use this time to focus solely in finishing up my Bachelors... on getting that piece of paper that I've been wanting to achieve for so long. Sometimes blessings are wrapped up neatly inside what seems to be a bad thing or happening in our lives, and it just takes a little time for its presence to become known. I'm so thankful now for those layoffs, because they allowed me time to accomplish a major goal in my life...

So, now.. what lies ahead? I'm not so sure of that, but I'm definitely excited about it. Returning to full-time work is a no-brainer. The economy will pick up, things will get back to (a new) normal, and life continues to move on as it always does. I've got interviews on the calendar and I'm ready to get back to earning my own money again. I loved being a student, but I'd forgotten what it felt like to be so broke all the time!! :) Grad school's definitely on the agenda, taking classes part-time after working hours. It may take me a little longer to finish up my Masters, but I have no doubt that I'll get it done within the next few years. Who knows? I may even go for a second Masters once I'm done! Can't see myself putting in the years required for a Ph.D at this point, and honestly, I don't desire it. I've been blessed to finish up this far, and once the next few years are done, I'll be more than satisfied... and grateful.

For all of you who have already or are graduating in the coming months, I wish you all the best in all that you do. It certainly is an exciting time that lies ahead of us!